Special Interest Groups

Bible Study 

The Bible Study group is led by Pastor John Lockhart, who brings Bible study topics to the group. He also coordinates with pastors of other Christian denominations to bring their Bible study lessons to the group. The group is open to anyone interested in studying the Word of God.
Point of Contact
David Stayshich
Front Porch Democrats 
Interested in more information on the Front Porch Democrats? Contact the group leader below.
Point of Contact
Debra Garner   
Interested in more information on Havurah? Contact the group leader below.
Point of Contact

Sue Hall
Model Yacht Club 

Interested in learning about radio-controlled model sailboats? We have a great lake here in Sweetgrass for this hobby. No prior experience is necessary to start this hobby, and the cost of a boat is about $200.

We sail on Sundays. The time changes with the season.
Point of Contact
Bill Foster
Sweetgrass Republicans
The Sweetgrass Republican Club is an active group of conservative residents who meet monthly to listen to outside speakers and elected officials. We welcome all Sweetgrass residents to join us as we consider ways to advance Republican principles standing for the Constitution, limited government, free enterprise, fiscal responsibility, and a judiciary that protects our freedoms and upholds the rule of law. If you are concerned about the direction of politics in this county, state, and country, then join our club. All residents of Sweetgrass are welcome at our monthly meetings to discuss, plan, and act to move Republicanism forward.
Point of Contact
Greg Barnes      
Technology Group Help Desk

The Technology Group Help Desk is an HOA Committee made up of resident volunteers. Its role is to assist Sweetgrass residents with any ‘technical’ questions/problems they might be experiencing with their computers, tablets, cell phones, exercise trackers, and other such devices.  Assistance is provided on a walk-in basis.  
The help desk is open for business on the second & fourth Thursday of the month from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Lakehouse Learning Center.  
Point of Contact
John Hansen      
Tennis Group

Meet up with neighbors to play a match, practice your swing, or improve your game. All skill levels welcome.
Point of Contact
John Harrell       
Travel Group

The Travel Group aims to inform, educate, and create interest in travel by Sweetgrass homeowners and organize trips to destinations as requested by club members.
Meetings Times: The 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. at the Lakehouse
Point of Contact
Carolyn Johnston            