Chartered Clubs

The HOA sponsors Chartered Clubs provide opportunities for residents to pursue common interests in hobbies, social, recreational, or cultural endeavors subject to policies & procedures established by the Board. Chartered Clubs are integral to the community’s social framework, having served as the nucleus and impetus of the resident lifestyle over Del Webb’s long history.
Alzheimer/ Dementia Support Club 

As stated in our bylaws, the purpose of our Sweetgrass Dementia/Alzheimer Support Club is to provide an opportunity for information exchange regarding dementia/Alzheimer's conditions and treatments, caregiving strategies for these conditions, and support of caregivers in this community. 
Point of Contact
Kenji Nishioka
Meetings Times: The second Thursday at 2:00 p.m. each month in the Creativity Center.
Art at Sweetgrass 
Art at Sweetgrass is a creative place to explore acrylic and watercolor painting, sketching and a communal encouragement of the art process. No experience is necessary. 
Point of Contact
Meetings Times: We meet every Monday from 1-4 p.m. in the Creativity Center
Book Club 

The Sweetgrass Book Club discusses a different book each month, and our meetings are informal.  A vote of the club members determines our reading list and generally includes a variety of genres.
Point of Contact
Dorothy Wrigley
Meetings Times: The first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Creativity Room.
Social Bridge

This group gets together to participate in casual, fun bridge games. Meetups are open to all levels.
Point of Contact
Meetings Times: We meet on Monday, and Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Activity Center and on Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Creativity Room.
Our club has now grown to over 150 members, who enjoy weekly play in addition to fun and exciting special events. 
Annual membership dues are collected each January and are used to cover the cost of game supplies and subsidize activity expenses as needed. 
Please Note: We offer limited rotation play at this time. However, if you have a group that plays rotation, you may do so; please let us know in advance so we can have the proper table set up.
Point of Contact
Debra Thompson
Meetings Times: We meet on Mondays at 12 p.m. in the Lantana and Primrose, and on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. in the Activity and Creativity Center.
Card Crafters

Card Crafters meet every Friday at 1:00 pm in the Creativity Center to make greeting cards for both ourselves and for charity. No art experience is necessary. This Club is open to all levels of card crafters, from beginners to advanced card makers. Use of some basic card crafting tools (die cut/embosser), ink, stamps, etc., will be provided by the club. Please bring your own scissors and any special supplies you want to work with.
Point of Contact
Meetings Times: We meet every Friday at 1:00 pm in the Creativity Center.
Click here to view the Card Crafters page.
Day Trippers

The Day Trippers Club promotes affordable trips to its members, focusing on day trips. Members can look forward to meetings once a month and at least one (1) trip a month. 
Point of Contact
Emerson Chester
Meeting Times: We meet Quarterly - Jan, Apr, Jul, and Oct 
Dialogue and Learning

The subjects have covered a broad range and have included climate change and artificial intelligence. Attendance is usually in the range of 15 to 50, and attendees are welcome to give their opinion on the subject or just listen. There is no membership fee.
Point of Contact
Meetings Times: Third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Learning Center
Drama Club

The Drama Club produces two shows each year, usually 90-minute comedies. All Sweetgrass residents are invited to audition for onstage roles. There are also lots of opportunities to volunteer behind the scenes as well by serving as an usher, at the refreshments table, or perhaps painting sets or looking for props and costumes.
Point of Contact
Holly Vitemb
Meeting Times: Monthly meetings are on the third Monday at 6:30 in the Primrose section of the ballroom.
Click here to view the Drama Club page.
Garden Club 

The Sweetgrass Garden Club is a very popular chartered club for both men and women. Please join us to learn more about native gardening, fulfill local philanthropic endeavors and socialize with your Sweetgrass neighbors. Dues are only $20.00 annually.
Point of Contact
Meetings Times: Meeting times are the third Tuesday of each month, unless a special event is scheduled in it’s place and we meet in the Lakehouse Ballroom (9:30am social time and 10:00am meeting/presenter)
Click here to view the Garden Club page.
Genealogy Club

The purpose of the Genealogy Club is to meet other local family history fans who are interested in learning about genealogy and researching their family history. This Club is a Sweetgrass-based informal and fun group intended to gather together in order to share tips, exchange information, celebrate heritage, hear from experts, become fascinated by historical discoveries, and have fun - with hopes that there may be some neat discoveries about family histories along the way!
Point of Contact
Paulette Niemann
Meeting Times: We meet the first Thursday of each month (except December) at the Lakehouse Learning Center at 10:30 a.m.
Hear More

The purpose of our club is to educate, share information, and comradery with anyone with a hearing challenge. Significant others, family, and friends are also welcome.
Point of Contact
Teri Wathen
Meetings Times: Every other month on the second Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Bluebell.
Mah Jongg
Our club enjoys twice-weekly play in addition to Quarterly Membership meetings, which typically include some special play. Individuals and foursomes are all welcome!
Point of Contact
Penny Chancey
Meeting Times: Every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Activity Center.
Click here to view the Mah Jongg Club page.
Men's Club

The Men’s Club is a place where men of all backgrounds and experiences come to enjoy meals and conversation, listen to interesting speakers, participate in various activities, and enjoy each other’s company. Over the years, the Men’s Club has become known for both quality entertainment productions and thoughtful support of our neighbors in the Richmond/Rosenberg area.
Point of Contact
Meeting Times: We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month.
Click here to view the Men's Club page.

Sweetgrass Needlecrafters is a group dedicated to sharing yarn skills (knitting, crocheting, and looming) and using these skills to create items for themselves and/or donate to the community.  
Point of Contact
Meetings Times: Every Tuesday, 1-3 p.m. in the Activity Center.
Photography Club

Learn with us how to shoot/compose a better picture, use flash, edit your pictures, shoot & edit a video, or make a DVD of your pictures with music. We will have guest speakers, workshops, field trips, and more. All we need is you.
Point of Contact
Chad De Cuir
Meeting Times: 1st Thursday of Every Month.
Pickleball Club 

The Sweetgrass Pickleball Club is a social club centered around the sport of pickleball and is for all residents interested in having fun while staying fit and active.  The club organizes regularly scheduled play each week and hosts tournaments, dinners, and other social outings for its members.  We offer training classes for Sweetgrass residents who want to learn the game.  We assist and encourage members who want to play a more competitive game in getting involved in local and national tournaments.  Members include residents of all skill levels, from beginners to national champions.
Point of Contact
Play Times: Every Monday and Friday at 7 - 9 a.m. and p.m.
Click here to view the Pickleball Group page.
Poker Club 

Games include variations of draw, stud, Texas Hold-em, Omaha, high-low split pots, and more! The deal rotates with the dealer calling the game. There is also a high-hand jackpot most nights. Come join us!
Point of Contact
Mike Covault
Meeting Times: The Sweetgrass Poker Club meets in the Lakehouse on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Power Walking

Did you know walking in the neighborhood or around the lake utilizes less than half of your muscles, even if you walk several miles quickly? The Power Walking class encourages you to use all 650 muscles because it varies the speed, direction, and movements. You can walk one, two, or three miles, and the program targets all ages and fitness levels—high impact, low impact, or no impact. No registration or membership is required – show up and start walking! The best part is that it’s 100% FREE.
Point of Contact
Meeting Times: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9:00-9:55 am in the aerobics room and is led by volunteers. 

Qi Gong

The purpose of the Club is to promote health and wellness through the practice of Qi Gong (e.g. Eight Pieces of Brocade, variety of Qi Gong routines) and gentle exercises. Our club exercise session typically includes warm-up, stretch, breathing, and low impact aerobics routines. 
Point of Contact
Shiang Chen
Meeting Times: The class meets Mon/Wed/Fri from 7:50 am - 8:50 am in the Aerobics room.


The Sweetgrass Quilters meet from 12-4 pm on the first and third Tuesday of the month.  We work on projects together, take field trips, and learn new tips and techniques.  Bring your sewing machine or handwork and your lunch and join us.  Quilters of all levels are welcome!
Point of Contact
Paulette Niemann
Stamp Club 

The Sweetgrass Stamp Club reviews and studies stamps from throughout the world, including the United States. Most members have one or more collecting interests, which are shared at meetings. Each meeting includes a program, show ‘n tell, and buy/sell/trade opportunities.
Point of Contact
Max Zollner
Sweetgrass Golf Association 

The Sweetgrass Golf Association (SGA) is an organization for men and women in Sweetgrass who play golf. There are no dues, but members are expected to sign up for MyScorecard (, which is the scheduling and handicapping venue for the club.
The club offers weekly events as well as quarterly tournaments. Currently, play is divided between River Point, Quail Valley, Greatwood, Pecan Grove, and Sienna Plantation. 
Point of Contact
Buzz Roye 
Meeting Times: The club meets each month, currently on the second Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
Sweetgrass Singers

The Sweetgrass Singers is an SG club that brings DW residents together to share their love of singing. We perform at a variety of Sweetgrass events, plus do outreach into the community by singing at assisted living and nursing home facilities. Membership is open to all Del Webb residents, and we welcome new members. No auditions are held. 
Point of Contact
Dean Jones
Meeting Times: We meet weekly on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM in the Bluebell Ballroom.
View the Sweetgrass Singers page.
Sweetgrass Singles

Sweetgrass Singles Club welcomes new members! We are a social club that provides a friendly atmosphere and activities.  Yearly club dues are $12. On odd-numbered months, we meet at the Lakehouse; even months, we schedule social events at area eateries. Additionally, members are encouraged to contact each other through our club's Facebook page and socialize outside at monthly gatherings.
Point of Contact
Connie Fletcher Powell
Meeting Times: We meet once each month on the third Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
Table Tennis

Join your fellow residents for a round of Table Tennis!
Point of Contact
Meeting Times: We Meet on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 1 p.m. in the Aerobics Center
Texas 42
This newly chartered club has evolved from the meet-up for 42 dominoes activity.
Point of Contact
Mary Ellen Smith
Meeting Times: Tuesday & Friday at 6 pm in the Creativity Center
That's Entertainment!

The purpose of the Club is to promote a positive environment among the residents of Sweetgrass, to provide an opportunity to have transportation and see the varied forms of entertainment around the greater Houston area. The following constitute but are not limited to the type of events: Plays, Concerts, Opera, Dance, Symphony, Ballet, and Museums. 
Point of Contact
Cyrus Bharucha
Meeting Times: The first Wednesday of every month at 11 a.m in the Learning Center 
Veterans Club 

Whether you are a veteran or are related to a veteran, or just want to be involved with veterans, you are invited to join us.
Point of Contact
Ray Wathen
Meeting Times: The 4th Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Lantana and Primrose. 
Click here to view the Veterans Club page.
Women's Club 
The Women’s Club welcomes all women in Sweetgrass to our monthly meetings when we gather for fellowship, recreation, learning, and service. Our dues are $12.00 per year.
Point of Contact
Linda Levey
Meetings Times: 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Primrose